Since you’re reading this post, you’ve probably purchased document capture software. But it’s not enough to just choose the right software, it’s also exceptionally important to step in the right direction and garner user adoption among your team members to project maximize the efficiency of your capture project.
are 4 key tips to stimulate user adoption of your capture solution:
1. Start small.
Don't go in with the
expectation of utilizing the solution in every department from the get-go.
Narrow in on one or two departments which are in urgent need of document capture software and start there. This could limit the scope of any
issues you may encounter and lower risks. Once the solution is well understood in that
department and the staff is excited about the results, consider branching out
to other departments.
2. Get key influencers on
It's important to get
the leadership team on board with the changes, but you should also work on
getting buy-in from other strategic team members who are likely to spread the
good word about positive changes. The employee from accounting whose job was
just infinitely simplified or the human resources director whose onboarding
process is now automated would be great influencers. The more they can share
about their positive experiences with their co-workers, the more buy-in you are
likely to have throughout the organization.
3. Serious training.
It is extremely important that your staff is familiar with the software because
they are the ones who directly experience and use it. Make sure that the right people are participating in
the training for your new capture
software and that they are devoting their full attention to the training.
While a product like iCapture is user-friendly, your organization will get the most
out of it if the team members who will be using the software have been properly
trained. If new people are going to begin using the software, or if your team
could use a refresher on features, it might be worth investing in another training.
4. Set specific goals and evaluate
your progress.
Your goal of implementing document
capture software has to meet all your requirements such as reducing processing time, department costs or storage space. Clearly outline your goal and make periodic
assessments to determine if the solution is working and whether you need to
make any changes.
Share your thoughts? Does your company need any extra help to speed up the
process of implement capture software? Get in touch with the inFORM Decisions team
today to see how we can help!
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